It’s Grow Time

A New Home To Blossom


Meet the new center for Raleigh’s young Jews

Centrally located in the heart of Downtown, this space will revolutionize Jewish life in the area, serving as a communal and spiritual home for young Jews in Raleigh.

Every community needs an anchor point. A place where folks can gather, relax, build and grow. And for Raleigh’s crowd of young Jewish professionals, The Shul Downtown does just that.

Located in the absolute heart of downtown, the shul provides a space for community to thrive. Because shul is community; it’s the laughter, the business deals, the heart-to-heart conversations, the recipe swaps and the budding friendships. It’s where we nurture our spirituality and embrace the holiness within the mundane. It’s where we go to find a connection with something higher.

The Shul Downtown is the only established Jewish presence downtown, serving as a welcoming home for Raleigh’s Jews. Here, everyone can find a sense of belonging and tap into their Jewish identity.

The Shul is where things happen, the center of it all.

Join our family of incredible Chabad Young Professionals as we build our own shul and our own community, one Shabbat dinner, one class, one celebration at a time.

This is shul, reimagined. This is your Jewish home downtown.

Space Highlights

Our Vision

Ready, Set, Bloom


Expansive Growth

Currently hosted out of Rabbi Zalmy and Mushka’s home, CYP’s ability to grow has been limited, with events selling out regularly. The new 8,100-square-foot center will enable CYP to grow in ways beyond imaginable.

Events & Programs

The CYP social hall will host hundreds of young Jews for warm Shabbat dinners, holiday programs, networking events, torah classes and social events, accompanied by in-house kosher catering from our commercial kitchen.

The Downtown Minyan

CYP’s dedicated sanctuary, the only shul in Downtown Raleigh, will serve as a peaceful and meditative space for prayer and reflection.


A Jewish Hub

As the first permanent Jewish presence downtown in decades, the Shul Downtown will be a place for local Jews as well as business travelers to turn to for all their Jewish needs.

24/7 Lounge

Accessible 24/7, the CYP Center will offer inviting spaces where young Jews can connect with each other and recharge from the daily grind.

Inviting Study

CYP’s Jewish learning library will provide a comfortable setting for Torah learning and exploration.


The CYP community and friends have already raised $1.3 million toward the purchase  + renovation of the new 8,100-square-foot center. Phase 1, DONE. Starting Sunday, August 18th, we launched Phase 2 to raise the remaining $1.2 million necessary to finalize the project. 

G-d willing, we’ll be living, growing and blooming in our space by March 2025.

PHASE 1 - $1.3 MIL


May 2024
› Enter Contract

Jul 2023 → Sep 2024
› Major Gift Solicitations

PHASE 2 - $1.2 MIL


Aug 2024
› Garden Party Launch Event

Aug-Nov 2024
› Community-Wide Solicitations

Jan 2025
› Closing



Mar 2025 - Purim
› Inauguration

Dedication Opportunities

Highlighted text indicates the dedication has been reserved

Dedication Wall Installation

An opportunity to inscribe a permanent plaque in honor or memory of someone special. This artistic dedication installation will be prominently displayed in the main hallway.